
AREA Roundtable Series


5 June 2024 | Prof. em. Brantly Womack: China in a World of Acute Crises

AREA Ruhr Occasional Lecture Series


27 June 2024 | Prof. Dr. Jens Wrona: Culture, Tastes, and Market Integration: Testing the Localized Tastes Hypothesis

25 January 2024 | Dr. Aimi Muranaka: Sticking to norms or sticking out? Agency of Vietnamese female skilled migrants in the IT sector in Japan


15 June 2023 | Martin Gehlmann: Student Evaluation Examination in Chosŏn Local Schools

31 January 2023 | Assoc. Prof. James B. Lewis: Aspects of a macro-economic model for Chosŏn Korea: The vicissitudes of a physiocratic state


18 October 2022 | Prof. Dr. Sébastian LeChevalier: Which East Asian miracle for the 21st Century?

14 October 2022 | Prof. Dr. Shih Chih-yu: Intellectual History of China and Chinese Studies: The Perspectives of Post-Chineseness

12 May 2022 | Bulgan Erdenechuluun: Market growth and barriers to entry in Mongolia: Perspectives from Chinese and Japanese entrepreneurs


08 December 2021 | Prof. Edward Wang: The Persistent Appeal of Intellectual History in China: A Preliminary Observation/Explanation

03 November 2021 | Prof. Dr. Axel Klein: Who voted? Who won? Who’ll run the country? A closer look at the 2021 general election in Japan.

08 July 2021 | Prof. Dr. Jörn-Carsten Gottwald: The Politics of Fintech Regulation in China

09 June 2021 | Prof. Dr. Katja Schmidtpott: Transnational Urban History


20 May 2020 | Anke Scherer: Survey the Soil, Control the Country: The role of the  Manchurian Colonization Corporation (Mantaku) in Manshūkoku in the 1930s  and 1940s

22 January 2020 | Karen Shire: An Economic Sociological Perspective on the Regulation of Transnational Labor in the Asia Pacific


24 April 2019 | Florian Coulmas: Technologies of the Intellect

30 January 2019 | Shuanping Dai: Hermes or Hephaistos: Arthurian technological progress and the future of mobile payments

04 December 2019 | Momoyo Hüstebeck: Introduction of her BMBF funded project on Deliberations in the Japanese and German political context


05 October 2018 | Prof. Yu Keping: Challenges and Priorities on China’s Two Hundred Years‘ Goals

28 June 2018 | Levi Mc Laughlin: Religion, development and political conflict: case studies from contemporary Asia

16 May 2018 | Robert Pauls: From the shadows into the fold: central bank policy and shadow money –the case of China–


17 December 2017 | Christine Moll-Murata & Flemming Christiansen: Frontiers of Industrialization in Continental Northeast Asia

24 October 2017 | Nele Noesselt & Axel Klein: Recent Developments in East Asian Politics | Chinese Meritocracy – The 19th Party Congress & The General Election in Japan

19 July 2017 | Nele Noesselt: Chinas Neue Seidenstraße (OBOR): Alternatives Modell der postmodernen Globalisierung?

28 June 2017 | Sebastian Bersick: Zwischen Integration und Desintegration: Normative Ordnung und institutioneller Wandel in Ostasien

14 June 2017 | Elisabeth de Boer: Riddles in Japanese dialect geography in an East Asian context

31 May 2017 | Markus Taube: Institutionelle Fundamente transregionaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen – Zur Idiosynkrasie, Konvergenz und Transferabilität von Institutionen

01 February 2017 | Marion Eggert: Grenzen des Sinozentrismus: Diglossie, Übersetzung und Literaturproduktion im Chosôn-zeitlichen Korea

11 January 2017 | Werner Pascha: Die neue Dynamik multilateraler Kooperationsprojekte in Ostasien zwischen ökonomischer und politischer Logik


07 December 2016 | Jörg Plassen: Einige Überlegungen zu Nationalstaatlichkeit und Transregionalismus im ostasiatischen Buddhismus

02 November 2016 | Thomas Heberer: Der ostasiatische Entwicklungsweg und das ‚Modell China‘: alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?

In addition to the AREA Ruhr Occasional Lecture Series, a separate series of guest lectures was conducted from 2019 to 2022 as part of the Mercator doctoral programme.