8 Dec 2021 | AREA Ruhr Occasional Lecture Series | Prof. Edward Wang

Prof. Edward Wang (Rowan University, New Jersey, and Beijing University):
The Persistent Appeal of Intellectual History in China: A Preliminary Observation/Explanation

In stark contrast to its apparent decline in the postwar West, intellectual history has been a prominent school in China’s historical circles over the same period. And, thanks to the exemplary works by acclaimed historians, it indeed has gained more vigor and luster in more recent decades. From a comparative and historical perspective, Wang will offer an explanation for this interesting phenomenon. Drawing on examples in both Chinese history and historiography, he argues that the primacy of intellectual history at once reflects and enhances an entrenched tradition, or the practices of “intellectual fundamentalism”, for the educated class in China to deal with a crisis by seeking an intellectual/cultural renovation.

Information on Prof. Edward Wang

Presence participation
Please note that anyone attending the event will have to follow the 3G rule. Proof of immunization, previous illness or testing will be required. Furthermore, registration is mandatory, please send an e-mail to: g.kleine-stegemann@area-ruhr.de

Venue: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Akafö/OAW house, Universitätsstr. 134, room 2.06 on the second floor.

Online participation

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